
国际交流与合作系列学术讲座:大数据学习条件下物联网的工业应用(Industrial Applications of Internet of Things using Big Data Learning)
2015年09月28日 / 来源: / 责任编辑: / 作者:肖国萍 / 点击:

主讲人:Grover Zurita 博士、教授

时间:201510 9 日(星期)下午230400



主讲人简介:Grover Zurita教授于1994年、1996年、2001年先后获得瑞典吕勒奥理工大学硕士学位(本硕连读)、工程职业学位、博士学位,之后分别为瑞典吕勒奥理工大学研究者(Investigator)、澳大利亚新南威尔士大学博士后,入选2014年度普罗米修斯学者。他现为玻利维亚私立大学-美国新墨西哥大学联合电子与计算工程系教授、系主任,目前的主要研究兴趣包括电子信息处理、振动故障诊断、排放与噪声优化、能源管理等。Zurita教授先后发表了数十篇国际期刊和国际学术会议论文,获得欧盟和美国专利各一项,获得瑞典科研基金4项,在国际学术会议上多次担任大会主席、分会主席或主题发言人。Zurita教授与工业界有非常紧密的合作,是瑞典注册工程师,带领的团队开展了多项工业项目的研究与开发。

内容简介:The main objective of this seminar is to give anoverview of the potentiality of Internet of Things (IoT), using Big DataLearning (BDL) for industrial applications, how the things with intelligenceare connected each other, and acquire new knowledge. This is IoT which is asystem to make what we want to by networking between intelligent things on theinternet without human’s intervention big data has three typicalcharacteristics which are volume, variety, and velocity. That is, the size ofbig data is extremely large, the data types of big data are diverse such asnumber, text, and figure. In addition, the data processing of big data is sorapidly. So we should consider these characteristics when we analyze the bigdata. The BDL is a technique of learning from big data. BDL is distinguishedfrom traditional data analysis such as statistics. We have to transform the bigdata into a structured data. This is suitable to data analysis using statisticsand machine learning algorithm. And then we analyze the structured data bylearning tools which are statistics and machine learning. Finally, we apply theresults to real domain, hopefully, for optimal decisions.



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